
WHO WE ARE AND HOW TO CONTACT US is a site operated by the  Kurious Arts Limited (CRN 12140186), a company being a company limited by shares; registered office Level 3, Castle House, Castle Street,, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom, S3 8LS



1. On accepting a course through the ‘The Kurious Academy’ (KA) you (You and Your) agree to the
terms and conditions set out below, forming the basis of the agreement between You and Kurious
Arts Limited incorporated in England and Wales with CRN 12140186 (We, Us or Our)

2. Our staff are available to offer advice to You by telephone or in person in relation to the courses
offered. Your application to the KA, examinations set by the KA and entrance criteria required by the
KA are subject to the matters set out in these terms and conditions, but it is Your own responsibility
to ensure at all times that Your application and other entrance criteria of whatever nature are in
order and received by the KA by the appropriate closing dates.  

3. We reserve the right to change (such changes to be notified to You as soon as reasonably practicable)
dates or times in relation to any matter concerning the KA in order to facilitate or improve the
provision of the courses offered by the KA and any examinations set by the KA and entrance criteria
required by the KA) but any such changes shall not affect the other terms and conditions of the
Agreement You enter into with the KA.  

4. The courses offered by the KA shall only take place if justified by demand.  

5. The KA's written and electronic communication materials are correct at the time of publication but
are subject to alteration by the KA.

6. You shall receive written notification from the KA that You have been accepted upon a course
offered by the KA (Course) and shall receive confirmation of the full tuition fee for the Course (Full


7. To secure Your place on the course You must pay: 

7.1. a non-refundable deposit (Deposit Fee) or
7.2. the Full Fee. 

8. In exceptional circumstances when a Deposit Fee or Full Fee is returned to You at Our discretion, an
administration fee will apply.

9. Balance of fees (Balance of Fees) (being the Full Fee less the Deposit Fee actually paid) are due four
(4) weeks prior to the Course commencement date unless an alternative form of payment has been
agreed in writing by Us or Your place will be revoked. If Your place has been revoked on any Course,
You and the We shall have no further obligations to each other under these terms and conditions or

10. For Courses over three (3) months in duration, You will receive an offer letter which details how to
accept Your place; when to pay Your Deposit Fee or Full Fee and the amount of the Deposit Fee or
Full Fee; when to pay Your Balance of Fees and the amount of the Balance of Fees. Failure to adhere
to these terms may lead to Your place being revoked. If Your place has been revoked on any Course,
You will be notified of this in writing and You and We shall have no further obligations to each other
under these terms and conditions or otherwise. 

11. Together, (i) payment by You to Us of the Deposit Fee or Full Fee in respect of any Course, and (ii)
written notification from the KA that You have been accepted upon the Course shall form a legally
binding agreement between You and Us on these terms and conditions (Agreement) and that You
shall (i) pay to the KA the Full Fee for the Course, (ii) comply at all times with these terms and
conditions, and (iii comply at all times with any other terms and conditions as specified in the written
notification of acceptance upon the Course or as notified to You by Us from time to time.  


12. Overseas students must comply with the United Kingdom Visa and Immigration (UKVI) Regulations
on immigration and We shall not be responsible for nor be liable in relation to any failure by any
overseas student to comply with such regulations. 

13. STUDENT VISA: If You require a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) for visa purposes,
please notify the KA at least twelve (12) weeks prior to the start of the course. CAS will be issued at
the discretion of KA when the supporting documents have been verified and upon receipt of the
Deposit Fee or Full Fee and CAS Fee.   

14. STANDARD VISITOR VISA: If You require an Acceptance Letter for visa purposes, please notify the KA
after payment of Full Fee and receipt of written notification that you have been accepted upon the
Course and at least four (4) weeks prior to the start of the course.  


15. Tuition fee refund and compensation (as amended from time to time) is incorporated into and forms
a part of this Agreement.  


16. Any event beyond Our reasonable control is a Force Majeure Event.

17. Force Majeure Events shall include (but are not limited to) such events as an act of God, fire, flood,
storm, other natural disaster, nuclear disaster, threat of war, war, riot, civil unrest, act of terrorism,
strikes, industrial action and disputes, outbreak of epidemic or pandemic disease, failure of utility
service or transportation.  

18. If the KA is prevented from or delayed, or otherwise materially impeded, in carrying out any of its
obligations under this Agreement by a Force Majeure Event, it shall promptly notify You in writing
and shall be entirely excused from performing those obligations while the Force Majeure Event

19. The KA will, in its absolute discretion, be entitled to take such steps as it considers appropriate to
minimise or to mitigate the effects of the Force Majeure Event, including (but not limited to) varying
the method of delivery of courses and amending the curriculum.  

20. If the Force Majeure Event continues for more than 28 days, the KA will promptly notify You of the
steps it proposes to take to minimise or to mitigate the effects of the Force Majeure Event.  In no
circumstances will the occurrence of a Force Majeure Event entitle You to refuse to perform Your
obligations (including payment) under this Agreement, notwithstanding the steps taken by the KA to
minimise or to mitigate the effects of the Force Majeure Event including (but not limited to) varying
the method of delivery of courses and amending the curriculum.  


21. From the point of being accepted upon a Course You must abide by all KA policies, procedures and

22. The KA reserves the right to revise its policies, procedures, handbooks, Course outlines and
programme specifications (such revisions to be notified to You as soon as reasonably practicable)
which shall each form and be part of the agreement between You and Us.

23. You shall, (i) be on time for and attend all lectures, practical sessions, practical exercises,
examinations and tests provided and specified by KA, (ii) submit projects and written assignments as
required and as specified by lecturers and tutors at KA, and (iii) promptly and faithfully comply with
all KA's reasonable directions, requests, rules and regulations. 

24. If You do not comply with policies and/or procedures set out in paragraph 23 above We have the
right to terminate the Agreement between You and Us and to terminate Your attendance on the
Course and to require You to leave the KA without refund of fees paid.  


25. Work You carry out on the Course or at the KA, including but not limited to practical exercises,
projects, written assignments, treatments, screenplays, still photographs, artwork, filmed scenes,
showreels and short films and all other material created by You and Your participation on the Course
including any performance and the filming and recording of You as an individual and Your voice
(Work), You, in perpetuity irrevocably:

25.1. assign to Us with full title guarantee the entire copyright (present and future) and all other right, title
and interest of whatsoever nature (vested or contingent) and all subsidiary and ancillary rights
(including student film festivals and short film festivals) throughout the world for the full period of
copyright and for all renewals and any extensions and renewals of the same by any and all means
and in all media now known or hereafter devised;

25.2. waive all moral rights conferred on You pursuant to the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 and
all other rights of a similar nature to which You have become or shall become entitled pursuant to
current or future legislation anywhere in the world; and  

25.3. confirm that the assignment of rights is free from all liens and encumbrances and includes the
assignment of all rental and lending rights and shall not seek to enforce any rights to equitable
remuneration in respect of any rental and lending rights which may accrue pursuant to the Copyright
and Related Rights Regulations 1996.

26. You warrant that You are and shall be the sole owner of the Work which is wholly original to You and
to the best of Your knowledge nothing in the Work does or shall infringe the copyright or any other
rights including any rights of confidentiality or privacy or defame any third party including but not
limited to students and tutors at the KA.  

27. You grant to the KA the right but not the obligation to use and to authorise others to use Your name,
reproductions of Your physical likeness, film and recordings of Your voice and Your biography in
connection with the advertisement, publicity, exhibition and exploitation of the Work and all
subsidiary and ancillary rights. 

28. In circumstances where You wish to use or show the Work to any third party, including but not
limited to submissions or applications to academic institutions or employers, showreels, student film
festivals and short film festivals, You shall request such use in writing to Us who may grant consent or
refuse Your request in writing, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld.  

29. No breach of this Agreement by Us shall entitle You to terminate or rescind the Rights and You waive
the right in the event of any such breach to damages or equitable relief or to enjoin, injunct, restrain
or interfere with the Rights or the production, distribution, exploitation, exhibition or use of the

30. The KA shall secure in the Our name or otherwise at the Our own expense insurance covering You
independently or together with others and You shall not have any right, title, or interest in or to such
insurance. The KA shall not be liable for any loss of or damage to Your clothing or other personal
property whether such loss or damage is caused by negligence or otherwise except to the extent that
We receives compensation from an insurance company or other third party.  

31. You shall not issue any publicity relating to or otherwise reveal or make public any financial, creative
or other confidential information in connection with the Work, the Course or the KA or Our business. 


32. We take Your privacy and data protection obligations seriously. Our Privacy Policies and notices are
published on Our website.

33. No collectively bargained agreement as commonly found in the film and television industry including
but not limited to PACT, Equity, WGA or SAG agreements shall apply to this Agreement unless
otherwise agreed by the parties in writing.  

34. Any notices required to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing by and shall be sent by the
parties to the addresses set out in the written notification of acceptance upon the Course.  

35. We may assign or license this Agreement to any third party, Our successors, assignees and licensees.

36. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the You and Us and may only be varied by written
instrument signed by both You and Us.  


37. This Agreement shall be governed by English law and the parties shall submit to the exclusive
jurisdiction of the English court.